Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Progress has been made :)

I don't believe in rewarding yourself with food. I do believe in having a treat though. If you have a 1600 calorie goal a day and make sure you only hit 1400, then yes, you deserve to have a little something if you're craving it. But once you've gotten yourself onto a certain schedule, you won't even be craving all those sweets anymore. A huge problem in dieting is the use of diet products, i.e. diet soda. The consumption of a fake sugar substance tricks your body into thinking it is sugar, and then when it realizes it is not, it will just make you crave both sugar and more calories. So here's my idea. cut out all soda. because its BAD for you! And don't let juice cocktails trick you either. Many of them have just as much sugar, while yes, 100% juice at least comes from its natural source.
My biggest tool for not caving into sugary treats and processed foods is to NOT BUY THEM OR PUT THEM IN YOUR HOUSE! Even if you think you'll "Ration yourself out", bad idea. Read your ingredients list at the store. If the beginning ingredients include the words "sugar, processed, hydrogenated, salt, enriched"...don't buy it. Yes, obviously some things will include it, for instance, sugar...haha...but try to buy more natural forms of it...cane sugar, stevia, etc. The FDA recommends not to include more than 40g of added sugar into your diet. This means, baking sugary treats, adding sugar to teas, etc. 40g=10 teaspoons. And one can of soda is 43g. so GROSS.
The biggest motivator for me is just knowing I'm doing a good job. Limit yourself to being a scale freak. every other day maybe to keep yourself in check, but not more. Any more and you'll get obsessed over every .1 pounds. Exercise is mandatory to healthy living, muscular tone, weight loss. Yeah, you can lose weight without it in the beginning if you are large enough, but it won't help you in the long run not doing it.

When I got back from europe on sept 10, I weighed 138. I'm now in my 120s again at 129.5. So hooray. I don't plan on getting below 125-127 though. I'm realistic and know whats appropriate. I'll be here if anyone wants advice still! I'll be working at Better Bodies again every sunday 11-3 as well.

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