Friday, October 22, 2010

Feeling good with success. (It's time to get started, don't throw away those years)

This will be an uber quick post, since I have a lot of homework I should be doing! So here it is. In the beginning, you are going to hate exercise. You will be sore every day, and you will think you are going to passout in the middle of a workout. But that's just your body strengthening itself up to be all that it can be. It wants to be there for you, but because you've abused it for so long, its going to take you a while to get into shape again.

Anytime muscles endure a new kind of exercise/angle/resistance, etc, you may exercise delayed onset muscle soreness, also known as DOMS. I got sore slightly yesterday, and more so today. But I'm still working my way back on track. But I love that soreness, because it lets me know I was doing it right and that my muscles are getting stronger.

Not always the best, but for our sake, it will be enough. Go calculate your BMI (body mass index). If it is at or over 25, it is essential that you begin a program to improve your life. Its time to take back those lost years. Lower your risks of heart attack, stroke, diabetes, etc...You're risking FAR too much because you're too tired, or feeling lazy. that would be WHY you are tired. It's all a big cycle.

*Monday-kickboxing class (1hr)
*Wednesday- Tobata interval training, cleaning house
*Thursday- Circuit training
*Friday- 8hr shift of work, lifting heavy boxes and running around like crazy.

Exercise of the day: Plank: hold in push-up position. Try 10 seconds each, 4 times.

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