Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Hindered progress...I'll keep fighting

Since the return from Europe I had set the goal that I was going to get back to my original, pre-europe weight and body fat percentage. No such luck thus far. While I was making good progress for a while, my appetite and busy lifestyle got the best of me. I have the appetite of a lion, and was not tracking my food enough and using enough self control to contain my eating. I also began making excuses about how I as so busy and could not make it to the gym. Well. That's changing.
I have been on operation fitness consistently for about 3 weeks steady now, and I won't lie, the first week went good, dropping down to about 130 pounds, then the next week I was somehow up to 135 again, and then now, I haven't weighed myself in over a week, and don't plan on doing it for another couple of days. It's kind of liberating. I know I have been eating well, about 1800 calories a day, while walking 1-2 miles a day just while on campus, and another 4-5 miles worth on days that I work. Every week day I am not working in the evening I make a commitment to myself to go workout, even if it's just a 30 minute weight training routine. I am taking control of my body, because I'm tired of looking in the mirror and not liking what I see.
I took for granted the body I had created for myself before. It turns out, because of the high level of muscle I had, I had a rapid metabolism (which, by the way, any of you guys can get back...so dont you dare blame your age for it, just start weight training damn it!!!). And so I could get away with eating more before...I probably had about 2500-3000 calories a day I figure. But here I am now, struggling. But I know I can do it. Arms + abs are first on my list! lol. Weight training is so essential though, I keep telling myself I need to do it more, but then I run out of time, or just try and do class instead of lift. That will change.
Before, my goal was to be in bad ass shape by my birthday...thats only 9 days away though. I'll be realistic, and set myself a new goal, which is to be back to my old body by spring break, or when I leave for Arizona at least, which is March 16. Sooooo excited!!! :) Well I better get some shut eye...lots of homework to get done in the morning!! (oh thats the other thing...I've gotten an entirely different approach on my busy life, and am managing it all quite well! I don't feel nearly as stressed when I'm exercising regularly....yeah. eff you cortisol!!!)

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