Sunday, February 13, 2011

Bit by Bit

Never really having to worry about losing weight in my life, this venture to drop 5-7 pounds for my competition has been an interesting journey. I have seen and experienced the struggle that many women go through, instead of barking the advice on the other side. Although I understand it is more difficult for me, because I have a smaller body (ie lower bmr), and I have always been fairly active. So unless I want to not eat anything, it's an extremely slow progress mark, maybe a half pound or less a week.

I hadn't let myself weigh in for the last 2 weeks because of the lack of results I was seeing, but yesterday was my first weigh in. Granted, the results were smaller than I had expected (I just want to get there already damn it!), but I have made progress. First weigh in:
Down 1 lb to 132.6
Down 1% body fat to 16.6%

For all of you people telling me I don't need to lose weight, keep in mind, I KNOW!:
1. I do not think I'm fat
2. I'm training for a bikini competition, whose focus is on muscular definition. I know the weight/body fat percentage required to have definition in my abs/other parts of my body. Once I get there, I'm stopping.
3. My goal is about 125 pounds, and 14.5% body fat.
4. and a more trivial reason: I can't afford to buy larger clothes, haha.

First, I wanted to be at goal by the middle of january, then my birthday (thursday), and then spring break. But I realize this isn't easy, especially with my extremely busy schedule!! But the ultimate goal is July 9th in Vancouver Washington. But ultimately I want to do it just for me :)

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